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I have been watching the media circus surrounding the “You lie!” remarks made by Rep. Joe Wilson during President Obama’s health care speech. The outburst came right after Obama had said that the health care reform would not cover illegal aliens. Then Joe spoke for all of us who know the truth. If only all of our Republican party members had the guts to speak out like him then the liberals would not have been able to push their way into our government so easily. My one and only problem with what Wilson said is that he later apologized. There should be no apologies for calling out a blatant lie. The bill does not include coverage for illegal immigrants, however, it does leave plenty of room for loop holes. In fact, one of the health care bills approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee called H.R. 3200 leaves more than enough room for coverage of illegal immigrants. As reported by the Washington Examiner, the Congressional Research Service said this about H.R. 3200;

“Under H.R. 3200, a ‘Health Insurance Exchange’ would begin operation in 2013 and would offer private plans alongside a public option…H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the Exchange.”

So, Mr. Joe Wilson was just calling it like he sees it. And this is not the only “loop hole” that has been swept under the rug either. House Democrats and Obama have been hiding much more as well. We need to support those we have elected in office that actually have the courage to stand alone and speak out against the true lies.

It really amuses me, however, that everyone is making such a fuss over what Rep. Joe Wilson said. Where were these politicians demanding a formal apology (once is more than enough) from Joe when Harry Reid called President Bush a liar and a loser? Or what about the Democrats booing Bush during the 2005 State of the Union address? I never saw ANY of those Democrats apologize formally or informally. I never saw the media jump all over them for their rudeness. And I never heard of the possibility of them facing any sort of punishment what so ever. Like I have said before, the Democrats and liberals can dish it out but they can’t take it.

No real matter though. This really has not hurt Joe in any way. If anything it has dramatically helped him (that has got to be really making the dems boiling angry). Ever since the “You lie” comment he has raised over $700,000. This goes to show that we do not want someone in any office to shyly sit by while someone, even the President, stomps all over the people with their smooth spoken lies to forward their agenda. Obama continually chooses wording when speaking to the media to manipulate the people. He even had the audacity to “fib” again after the health care speech, according to the Boston Globe which stated:

“In his 60 Minutes interview, Obama also acknowledged he has nearly given up working out a deal on health care with all but a few Republicans, the majority of whom he said were interested only in using the issue to restore their party to power.”

As stated in a previous post on my blog, this is an outright lie too. The GOP has given hundreds of amendments and options for health care, all of which have been completely ignored and rejected by the President and the House. In conclusion, I give Rep. Joe Wilson two thumbs way up for standing tall and saying what we are all thinking. No more apologies!


UPDATE 09/16/09:

I don’t know what disgusts me more, the fact that the House spent all day on this ridiculous matter wasting time and taxpayer’s dollars or that Jimmy Carter played the race card. This is not the kind of politician we need in Washington. Those who voted “yes” are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites that manipulate situations to get the support of unsuspecting citizens. You can clearly see the party lines in this vote. Here is an article about it first, and the second shows who voted yes and no.

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