When does the pursuit of peace become a threat to national security? One would think that allowing another country, one with a history of hostile intent, to take inventory of your nuclear arsenal would be at the top of that list of things not to do to cross that line. In order to maintain peace you have to maintain strength, according to the Reagan administration, which kept America safe for the entire term of Reagan’s presidency. To maintain strength, you must be able to have the upper hand in the possible event of a dispute taking place. For your enemy to know where you keep your top secret weapons gives them the advantage and the knowledge to take out your defense before or during the attack. What is there to keep your opponent from taking you out? If they know your moves, your weakness, your ability, they can prepare for combat and dramatically increase the likely hood of their success.

This is the scenario that the Obama administration is trying to carry out right now. President Obama is allowing Hillary Clinton to meet with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to form a treaty between the US and Russia. This treaty would allow the Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads. As put in the Fox News article, this “would constitute the most intrusive weapons inspection program the U.S. has ever accepted.” I do not know if Obama is keeping in mind that a favorite revered Russian past time is the strategic game of chess, lining up all their pieces perfectly before the irrevocable strike to debilitate their adversary.

Surly, being elected as President, Obama is not that naive. I would bet that he knows fully that this is another move to weaken America as we have seen in past actions by this President. He has weakened America by crippling our military by cutting out top weapons and funding, plunging the U.S. into staggering debt and unemployment, bowing to foreign leadership, releasing interrogation techniques, shutting down missile defense in Poland which left our east coast vulnerable to missile strikes, and showing our allies that the U.S. is no longer one that can be trusted.  This latest atrocity, allowing Russia access to our Nuclear missiles and warheads, seems to be yet another step in the direction that the Obama administration has laid out in their agenda of the once great United States of America.

***Just a little note, upon researching this, most news articles have this story somewhat hidden in titles like “Clinton Arrives In Russia For Talks On Iran, Nuclear Arms” and “Clinton To Focus On Iran, Arms Reduction During Russia Visit”. It seems that most everyone is tip toeing around it and barely touching the story when it really is a big deal.***

