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The unprecedented increase in unemployment has no doubt effected every U.S. citizen in one way shape or form. If you have not been laid off, then chances are you are close to someone who has been. You probably even have one or more within your family that has been let go in the past year. It touches the  heart to hear of loved ones losing so much and then struggling month after month to find a way to replace the lost income. But who has been hurt the most throughout this financial recession? Believe it or not, it is the majority of those who voted Barack Obama into the Presidency, it is the Democrats and Independents.

Back in January of this year, when the unemployment rate was at 7.6%, many blamed President Bush for the unemployment disaster. And while he did play his own part in allowing the first stimulus package and the buy out of many banks, it was made dramatically worse by President Obama. Obama did not allow the economy to simply heal on its own, he pushed to further the national debt, crippling the U.S. dollar, and all the while convincing many Americans that it was the proper course of action to stimulate the economy.

President Obama and the mainstream media has since then lied numerous times telling the public the economy is growing, that unemployment rates are improving, and that we are going in the “right” direction. This could not be further than from the truth. And yet, his loyal followers, who are taking the brunt of the economic crisis, still listen and believe with unemployment now at a staggering 10.2%.

Why is it that those who are suffering the most from this situation continue unfailing support of the Obama administration? Is it that so many have grown so dependent on the government that they are still encouraged by the empty promises of Obama? Perhaps it’s the vainess of sticking beside one’s own race without question? Or maybe it is like rooting for your favorite football team, no matter what you will go with your political party for better or for worse. Many Americans regardless of social standing do not like to admit when they have made a mistake. What ever the case is, I think it can be all of the above. Sadly, according to Rasmussen Reports it is Obama’s supporters, the Democrats and the minority population, that are being hit the hardest by unemployment.

The data collected by the Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey states:

“Data from Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys shows that 15.0% of Democrats in the workforce are currently unemployed and looking for a job. Among adults not affiliated with either major party, that number is 15.6% while just 9.9% of Republicans are in the same situation.”

How do I know who supported Obama the most? As reported by BBC News on exit polls in their article Who Voted For Obama, he had the most support from first time voters, young voters, Democrats, and minority groups. And ironically, 62% of those who voted for Barack Obama cited that the economy was their main factor. Since his appointment to office, it has only worsened and regressed at a rate that no one ever thought possible.

What has our President that promised so much hope and change done to improve our economic woes? Why, he has made them far more and far worse. If you were in deep financial debt would you try to get out by spending more money? No, of course not. You would hunker down and take out the frivolous things in your life to make up the difference while paying back what you owe little by little. Yet, this administration instead took it upon themselves to spend not only our money, but our children and our grandchildren’s money, in the hopes of stimulating an economy that had already been overspent.

Those who were in financial trouble would have been better off to slip into bankruptcy and to lose a few jobs rather than to become slaves to the federal government who bought out their stocks to “save” them. No company is too big to fail. Instead, the deeds of the Obama administration has bankrupted the entire nation and left us in debt to other countries. In the meantime, those who provide the unshaken support of our President suffer the hardest in false hope that he will somehow rescue them by paying their gas and mortgage. Is the Democrat party so hungry for power that they are willing to make more people dependent on the government in supplying their every need like with this healthcare bill, giving them the power over our very health and well-being? It will spiral America into more economic hardship and leave us at the mercy of the country with the greatest stock in America (a.k.a. China). In a once Republic nation that is now resembling a socialist/communist country, how ironic that we look to China for support at this time. (Why else did you think Obama is spending so much time over there?)

With such a heavy focus on health care, the nuclear threats of Iran and North Korea, and the supposed severity of the H1N1 virus, there have been legislation bills slipped into the Senate and House with few taking notice in the media. Gun rights advocates, however, have kept a watchful eye on these bills and have been getting word out about the propositions at hand.

The more well known of the bills right now is H.R. 45, which not only would make it illegal to own a firearm if you do not provide a driver’s license and Social Security number, but also would require you to provide fingerprints to own a gun. In addition, H.R. 45 would demand that before purchasing a firearm you would have to submit to a physical and mental evaluation. This piece of legislation would expect guns be secured from access by children under age 18, and would empower law enforcement officers to come into your home to make sure that you are complying with the requirements.

Now, the less publicized gun control legislation that has been slipped under the radar is called S 1317. This would allow the attorney general the right to stop gun sales to anyone on the terror watch lists. Doesn’t sound too bad, huh? But wait, there is also H.R. 2647 that contains a companion clause to S 1317 that gives the attorney general the authority to determine who belongs on terrorist watch lists.

This would not be so alarming a few years back, but now the definition of a terrorist in the eyes of the Obama administration is much different than that of the Bush administration. It isn’t the Taliban, or car bombing extremists alone, no, it also includes what many believe to be patriots. Or, as has been said, right wingers, conservatives, anti-abortionists, religious “nuts”, gun rights advocates, those who oppose Obamacare, and more. Those who stand by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the law of the land are, in the new administration’s eyes, more dangerous than those mass murders that we have been fighting over seas for the last 7+ years.

Those of us who are “terrorists” in these times are in good company though. George Washington and the patriots known as the Sons of Liberty were viewed by Britain as rebels, or what patriots are being called today, terrorists. Had it not been for this organization, the United States of America, would likely remained under Britain’s tyrannical rule.

So, as history shows, it takes those willing to stand up for their rights to move a country in a good direction and to maintain freedom. Make sure your state’s representatives in the House and Senate know that you will not tolerate these gun restriction bills to be passed in any way, shape, or form. That if they support these pieces of legislation, that they will not be voted back into office.


As if there were not enough reasons to oppose Obamacare in the first place, here comes yet another. Although President Obama openly denied it, the health care reform bill that is in proposition at this time would impose harsh taxes on those in all income brackets. But wait, didn’t Obama PROMISE no new taxes on anyone making less than $250,000.00 a year?

Well, if passed, the health care bill would require that EVERYONE either purchases health care coverage or face, what is to most, large fines for not doing so. In fact, in the Senate finance version of the health care bill, those who choose not to purchase health care insurance would have to pay up to $1900.00 in fines per year! Of course, they see this as additional revenue coming in at an estimate of up to $20 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

When President Obama was confronted about this on ABC’s “This Week” by George Stephanopoulos who suggested that fines levied for not complying with the mandate are a tax, he denied that it was any form of taxes. However, this is a lie, because it is even in the House and Senate written as a form of “taxes”.  As stated in

“One strong indicator: The mandate would become part of the Internal Revenue Code. Failing to pay the penalty would result in a misdemeanor crime punishable by a $25,000 fine and/or up to a year in jail. Also, both the House and the Senate versions of the bill refer to the mandate fines as a form of “taxes.”

As you can see, it is a tax. It is a tax on everyone, rich, poor, middle class, and everyone in between. The Democrats show themselves as being for “the working man” or “the little guy” but they are not. They will do what every is possible to gain more control and more money. So who does the President think he is fooling? Certainly not everyone. Not those of us who have bothered to look into the facts behind the Obama idol worshiping. I disagree with the statement made by News Max which said, “So Stephanopoulos was correct, and Obama was mistaken”. I do not think President Obama is an idiot. I think he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is new taxes, he just did not want to admit that he has lied yet again.

Even more disturbing, is if we ask if we should expect even MORE new taxes. Well, when Wall Street Journal asked if there would be any on those with an income of less than $250,000 per year, the answer they received from OMB director Orszag was, “We’re in the midst of putting together the 2011 budget, and we’ll have more to say about that later.”


cash-for-clunkersI got the following in an email and thought I would share it on here. It makes you wonder how the heck the people who are in office really get there.

Clunker Math

Think of it this way,

A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year.
A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.
They claim 700,000 vehicles so that’s 224 million gallons saved per year.

That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.

5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.
More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars

So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.

We spent $8.57 for every dollar saved.
How good a deal was that ???

And people think they can handle healthcare???



Taxpayers stormed Washington, D.C. yesterday in record numbers. Fed up with overspending, and fear of the government taking over health care, protesters came in from all around the country to let political leaders in Washington know that they simply had enough. The number of supporters that came range from the thousands, ten thousand, to 2 million as reported by the London Daily Mail. What ever the number is you can surely see by the over view pictures (courtesy of World Net Daily) that this was no small crowd.

Miraculously, the White House stated that they were unaware of the rally, and that President was out of town in Minneapolis, Minnesota to promote his health care plans.  Isn’t that interesting? We all know that he knew that there was going to be a rally, but like always he decided to avoid listening to the other side. I must say that out of all my years of being interested in politics I have never seen such a partisan president as I have seen in President Obama.  Both President Bush and President Clinton always showed signs of not only listening to the other side, but even compromising when need. Obama stated that his door is always open, but he has not had a meeting with political leaders of the Republican Party since April and has avoided requests to do so since then. Simple put, the Democrats have basically shut the door to the Republicans on this and many other issues.

This attitude that the Democrats are displaying, will no doubt hurt them in the next coming elections in 2010. Hopefully, Republicans can undo most of the damage that the liberals are doing to our great nation.



Obama’s remarks in his speech on health care included saying that not only the GOP have not provided any solutions to help, but that his “door is always open”. But the fact is that Republicans have provided 35 alternative proposals to the health care reform being offered by Democrats. And the President has not had his “door” open to the GOP at all. He has not met with House Republicans since April and have ignored requests to do so since. In addition, as reported by Fox News, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele stated, “The thing that’s killing me is that those very members on the Republican side have over the course of the last five months offered some 800 amendments and individual pieces of legislation to the — to the president and to (House Speaker) Nancy (Pelosi) and Harry Reid, to say, ‘Hey, this is our contribution.’ Every last piece has been rejected.” So, how can there be any bipartisan agreements, any ability to move forward, when the democratic majority keeps slamming the door in the face of the other House members? How can President Obama know the will of the people and be open to alternatives if he will not give presence to anyone outside of his own party? It won’t happen until the President turns his smooth spoken words into actual actions.

It is my personal opinion along with many others that the President along with the other Democrats do not really want the Republicans to be any part of this health care bill unless it is on their terms. The reason for having the Republicans as part of this bill is so that when it falls flat that they can point the fingers at the GOP and say that they were part of it too. As has been seen in the past when Obama was confronted with the problems surrounding the Stimulus Package; he tried to get around the responsibility by referring that he was not the first and that he was just following his predecessor’s lead. The Democrats have filibuster proof power in the Senate and a majority in the House along with the President, so they really don’t need the Republicans. I hope the Republican’s stand firm, being united, and not partake in any government run health care.


Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana proposes a plan that would make health insurance mandatory with possible fines of up to $3800 for anyone who does not have health coverage. What ever happened to the land of the free? Why do our politicians feel the need to make the American people be forced to do something that they may or may not want to do? We all know that the reason that America’s heath care is in a bind has very little to do with people not having medical care and more to do with a number of other factors such as outrageous law suits, unnecessary defensive medicine, and over whelming use of our ERs by illegal immigrants. Simply put, making health care insurance mandatory will do nothing in curving the cost crisis that we face in our nations health care system.



I for one think that communism would not work here in America. We simply have too many bull headed people out there that would not stand for it. I pray that I am right. But I can’t deny the surprising finds that I have been coming across in researching the people that have been put into power in our country lately. The vast majority are either openly communist, or socialist radicals, or we can see through their actions and affiliations that they are indeed that. This really has caught me somewhat off guard as I was leaning more toward the softer of the two, thinking that many were merely borderline socialist but still wanting to uphold the constitution and the other laws that have been laid out in our country. Only recently have I come to realize it is a complete overhaul that most of the current administration is looking forward to implementing. Now, it becomes even more chilling when those who have lived through a communist regime, Russians, are coming forward and warning Americans of the signs that they see happening in our country.

Stanislav Mishin wrote an article titled “American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper,” in which he details the similarities he sees in the American government and economy with the previous Russian communism. The article Stanislav wrote is very powerful and thought provoking. And for the American patriot, it is near heart breaking. He begins by pointing out the begining was within the past 20 years or so, “First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics.” In truth, our schools are ran by the US Department of education.

Second, he goes on to religion stating, “Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different “branches and denominations” were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the “winning” side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another.” I do not think this goes for all churches. There are a great deal that are still only centered around God, however there have been those that have been revealed to be bending their values for “current times”.

The post by Stanislav Mishin then moves on to the present day. Referencing the administration we now have in office, Stanislav says:

“The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America’s short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.”

Now, if that doesn’t send chills down your back as an American, then I don’t know what will. How is it that someone in another country can see it and yet so many in America blindly follow along willingly giving up their rights and freedoms without a care in the world? I’ll tell you. It is because he has seen it, he has been there and witnessed communism and socialism first hand. He knows what it does to a country. I have only touched a little on this compelling article which goes on to make many more important points. But the one that got to me the most is the very end. And it is what I will leave you with in my post. As quoted from “American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper”:

“The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.”

Resource Sited:

Another article from a Russian professor warning of America’s collapse:

Here’s the link from the Bill Bennett show to sign the “Free Our Health Care Now” Online Petition. When we went on there had already been 1181804 people sign as of August 31. Let’s keep it going up and show that we are the majority!


09/02/09, 1201802 have signed. Keep Em Coming!

09/08/09, 1269814 have signed

09/09/09 (we won’t ever see this date again!), Thought I heard on the Bill Bennett show that 09/08 was the last day to sign, but the link is still working to sign and it is still on his website as well so sign away! Oh, and now it is up to 1290488 at 09:28am ET.

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