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As if there were not enough reasons to oppose Obamacare in the first place, here comes yet another. Although President Obama openly denied it, the health care reform bill that is in proposition at this time would impose harsh taxes on those in all income brackets. But wait, didn’t Obama PROMISE no new taxes on anyone making less than $250,000.00 a year?

Well, if passed, the health care bill would require that EVERYONE either purchases health care coverage or face, what is to most, large fines for not doing so. In fact, in the Senate finance version of the health care bill, those who choose not to purchase health care insurance would have to pay up to $1900.00 in fines per year! Of course, they see this as additional revenue coming in at an estimate of up to $20 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

When President Obama was confronted about this on ABC’s “This Week” by George Stephanopoulos who suggested that fines levied for not complying with the mandate are a tax, he denied that it was any form of taxes. However, this is a lie, because it is even in the House and Senate written as a form of “taxes”.  As stated in

“One strong indicator: The mandate would become part of the Internal Revenue Code. Failing to pay the penalty would result in a misdemeanor crime punishable by a $25,000 fine and/or up to a year in jail. Also, both the House and the Senate versions of the bill refer to the mandate fines as a form of “taxes.”

As you can see, it is a tax. It is a tax on everyone, rich, poor, middle class, and everyone in between. The Democrats show themselves as being for “the working man” or “the little guy” but they are not. They will do what every is possible to gain more control and more money. So who does the President think he is fooling? Certainly not everyone. Not those of us who have bothered to look into the facts behind the Obama idol worshiping. I disagree with the statement made by News Max which said, “So Stephanopoulos was correct, and Obama was mistaken”. I do not think President Obama is an idiot. I think he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is new taxes, he just did not want to admit that he has lied yet again.

Even more disturbing, is if we ask if we should expect even MORE new taxes. Well, when Wall Street Journal asked if there would be any on those with an income of less than $250,000 per year, the answer they received from OMB director Orszag was, “We’re in the midst of putting together the 2011 budget, and we’ll have more to say about that later.”


cash-for-clunkersI got the following in an email and thought I would share it on here. It makes you wonder how the heck the people who are in office really get there.

Clunker Math

Think of it this way,

A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year.
A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.
They claim 700,000 vehicles so that’s 224 million gallons saved per year.

That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.

5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.
More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars

So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.

We spent $8.57 for every dollar saved.
How good a deal was that ???

And people think they can handle healthcare???

Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana proposes a plan that would make health insurance mandatory with possible fines of up to $3800 for anyone who does not have health coverage. What ever happened to the land of the free? Why do our politicians feel the need to make the American people be forced to do something that they may or may not want to do? We all know that the reason that America’s heath care is in a bind has very little to do with people not having medical care and more to do with a number of other factors such as outrageous law suits, unnecessary defensive medicine, and over whelming use of our ERs by illegal immigrants. Simply put, making health care insurance mandatory will do nothing in curving the cost crisis that we face in our nations health care system.



You may think that the story of President Obama electing to have John Holdren as the head of his Science and Technology Policy department as old news, but with the recent fear mongering of the swine flu, global warming, and other such events, I believe it is very much still a live story in need of more research. At first glance in researching John Holdren you will find that in the 1970’s he was a major adjocate for compulsory abortions in the U.S. and a “Planetary Regime”.

Having co-authored Ecoscience, it was well known John Holdren’s stance on population control and the repercussions thought at the time of letting people breed freely. The methods to unknowingly sterilize a population included methods tried by the Nazi’s, Soviet’s, and communists such as adding infertility drugs to a national food or water supply, and forced abortion to name a few. It also goes into a radical and unrealistic stance on what could happen if population were to get out of control in reference to resources and environmental impact. Like I said before, this is all very easy to find.

Now, the not so easy to find was the recent opinions of Mr. Holdren. In 1995 he also co-authored an essay called, The Meaning of Sustainability: Biogeophysical Aspects, published by the World Bank on the need to eventually have “world of zero net physical growth” and “population limitation” to sustain economic activity (ummm…very interesting considering the current economic events). Now suddenly, upon being appointed to a position in the White House his opinions change? In his White House interview he explained as stated by, “when asked if he still felt population control was appropriate, health care and opportunities for women, as well as education, naturally create families more likely to have fewer children, thus solving the potential problems of population growth.” I don’t think so. Someone holding so tightly to a belief for so many years would not let it go so easily. Not to mention, Obama knows Holdren’s past, works, and beliefs having both gone to Harvard. Obama is no dummy, he would not have manged to get elected as President of the United States of America had that been the case.

In conclusion, the question in many minds at this time is if there is a connection between John Holdren’s past and the current events with the economic instability (made worse by the stimulus and will be more so by a passing of health care reform), myths of global warming, and the fear mongering of the H1N1 virus. One would have to wonder, with his new found powers as Science Czar and only having to answer to the President of the United States, not obligated to answer to Congress, John Holdren definitely warrants more scrutiny and a watchful eye on his handling of his office. Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they knew that the President gave such unlimited powers to an unelected official.


Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul R. Ehrlich co-authored by John Holdren

The Meaning of Sustainability: Biogeophysical Aspects published by World Bank 1995 (full text available at

Edward M. Kennedy, known as “the lion of the Senate”, was also known to be a supporter of the health care reform bill. Now with his passing away, would Democrats and President Barack Obama see it as their opportunity to get a few more unsure supporters off the bench to get the health care reform passed? It really would not surprise me. Nothing would at this point. Having heard Senators and Congressman calling those opposed to the bill names and talking about using the reconciliation process to bypass the opposition, why would they not stoop to using a man who is now resting in peace? I think we will hear it by tomorrow at the latest. I can hear it now, “Let’s do this for our good friend and loyal servant Edward M. Kennedy, it is what he would have wanted.” I hope that none of those that are leaning away from the health care bill would be so easily swayed. But, as with all things, only time will tell.

This opinion is based on the following article:

The White House now confirms that the national deficit will likely reach upwards of $9 trillion dollars in the next ten years or so due to the new programs passed by President Barack Obama and both Houses. And this doesn’t even include if they get to pass their Health Care Reform which is projected to cost over $1 trillion dollars by itself. The White House representatives say this is due to the severity of the recession. I say it is due to the government getting too involved. Had they let the recession work itself out at least the national deficit would have not been so severe and the American people could look forward to keeping the money they work so hard to earn.

Of course, now President Obama and the Democrats on board with him want to pay for all of this and the health care reform by, you’ll never guess, raising taxes. Oh wait, didn’t Obama run on a promise NOT to raise taxes on the upper middle class and lower? That won’t happen now. There is a lot of discussion on raising taxes on everything like fast food, anything with sugar, more on oil, rental properties, eliminating itemized tax deductions, and several others on the oil industry which means even higher than seen before gas prices. If you think this doesn’t apply to the common citizen, think again. Aside from the high gas and consumer goods prices, most of these taxes are going to be on your employers and landlords. This means less pay for you, or no job at all, and higher rent payments. Yep, Obama sure is fixing the economy! Fixing it for doomed failure.

This opinion is based on the following articles:

Around 1200 veterans across the country recently received a letter from the Veterans Administration falsely telling them that they had a fatal neurological disease.  Panicked veterans from across the country notified National Gulf War Resource Center, who in turn notified the VA of the mistake. The VA blamed it on a coding error. Add this to another long list of complaints that our veterans have against this government ran health care program, and it is no wonder why so many Americans do not want national health care ran by our government.

Here’s a link to the ACLJ website with a video of Jay Sekulow on the Glenn Beck show discussing the Constitution and the health care reform bill. Also has Judge Andrew Napolitano on as guest host.

As I was searching the web this morning for what I felt was really important to my readers this article really caught my attention. In it is explained that since Obama and the Democrats on board with the health care reform have been some what unsuccessful in their efforts to win over the rest of the senate, they want to use the reconciliation process to get their bill passed. That would make it only require 51 votes to pass. This would not only bypass the Republican and Independents who are opposed to this, but also the Democrats that are opposed or absent. Not to mention make it filibuster proof, or in other words, not up for discussion. As stated in the article by Heidi Przybyla, “The president and his advisers have started devising a strategy to pass a measure by relying only on the Democratic majority in each house of Congress[…].”

I have to agree with Senator Orinn Hatch who said using the reconciliation process is “an abuse of the process. In fact, I think it is a huge misuse of power! We have voted these senators and congressmen into office to represent us, the people of the United States of America. And Obama sees it okay to pass a bill that would cost up ward of a trillion dollars or more without most of our elected officials. Even the independent senator, Joseph Lieberman, feels it is a mistake to hurry this through the houses of Congress. And it is, because there are other options to make over health care without putting the federal government in control and without putting America into yet another unnecessary trillion dollars of debt.

Source Sited:

Wonder what the government knows that we don’t know?

Like my dad always told me, “You are who your friends are.”  Just another socialist that Obama can’t seem to stop surrounding himself with. You be the judge.

Just another reason why to oppose Obamacare.

Tom Delay makes a really good point about Obama’s birth certificate

Just plain creepy! Wasn’t there something like this on the History Channel lately? I think I remember them analyzing the corpse with out being able to come to any conclusion as to what it is. I may be wrong, it could have been a different corpse. Still creepy though!

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